Monday 29 October 2007


Driving pass our house we couldn't help ourselves. We had to stop and take a picture of the Sold! sign. I also thought I'd share an image of the view from the top of the hill. Actually this is the view from the obelisk over the road. This was the site of Newcastle's original water supply. There also used to be a windmill here. When it was demolished sailors were so outraged at losing the navigation point the obelisk was built.


theotherbear said...

There's nothing quite like the SOLD sign on your house!
What a lovely view.

Miss Di said...

Yes it is rather! If you'd like to see it close up and personal you're invited to help pack and carry boxes of books...

gailandrob said...

Wow,what a great spot for a picnic...and you can keep the wine cold in your own frig

Miss Di said...

We actually know a couple who had their wedding up there.