Friday 5 May 2017

Happy Happy Singapore

Both of us really liked Singapore and in many ways it reminded us of Sydney with (better, greener) modern architecture side by side with colonial buildings.  We think we'll go back next time there are cheap flights!

We mostly walked - or caught trains which were easy and cheap.  Every time the train stopped at a station we were delighted with the announcement urging us to be "Happy Happy".  Of course, eventually I HAD to google what it actually meant and it was not what we thought we heard but "Hati Hati", instructing people to be careful as they disembarked.  The Malay version of "Mind the Gap".

The trains made it easy for us to spend much of our too short stay eating as we visited a number of different hawker markets, from Indian (where lunch was $1.50 and Matt bought himself a beautiful embroidered silk shirt, I wonder where on earth he will wear it) to the business district (near Raffles, best chicken rice I've ever tasted).  We used the money we saved on lunch to have a single drink in the rarefied atmosphere of Raffles.  Thank goodness I had a Singapore Sling on the plane so knew in advance they were disgusting and had a gin sling instead.
The Gardens by the Bay were stunning.  We only spent half a day there but could easily have spent several days exploring.  The tulip exhibition was a lavish homage to Vincent and Cloud Mountain had some unexpected blooms.

There HAS to be a way to rotate pictures, I just haven't figured it out yet!

look closely...

Time soon came to leave the tropical heat for the frozen north and after a long, full, overnight flight we arrived in Munich.


gailandrob said...

Singapore is a wonderful city. We were surprised that there was no comment on the restrictions on personal freedoms. No protest about chewing gum prohibition?
Glad you both enjoyed the visit

Miss Di said...

We did give up jaywalking after seeing a tv program which mentioned you could get six months in gaol for it! :-)

gailandrob said...

Worked this time!
Video lessons for next Christmas present!

Michelle said...

I seem to remember going to some gardens there with Tori years ago. :-)