Sunday, 26 November 2023

Postcard Pretty Quedlinburg

 Arrived late into Quedlinburg (thanks DB for that total shit show - first train our booked seats weren't even ON the train, the second one was late meaning we missed the third and forth. But eventually were arrived in Quedlinburg. First impressions were terrible! Miscommunication with hotel meant no one was there to let us in and the brew house we had intended to have dinner at had closed early!

But, after a tasty Vietnamese meal and a really good nights sleep things were brighter and we enjoyed exploring the amazingly preserved old city with original timbered buildings. Disappointed that the castle was closed for renovations but what's a European Vacation without a shitload of scaffolding! Good thing for bank balance space is restricted because antique widow shopping was a blast.

actual view from bedroom window

I didn't buy but could have!

View from the castle

Gin and Mustard shop. Some - er...INTERESTING gins!

World Heritage Listing.

Interesting things to look at everywhere!

PS how could I forget? As we were leaving late Friday afternoon it was SNOWING!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Looks great!

Anonymous said...

Oops it has published me as anonymous (Mich)

Miss Di said...

haha thanks anonymous Mich!