Wednesday 12 July 2017

Faro, far from fun.

It was like the opening scenes from a movie where you just knew something terrible and nameless is going to occur soon.

From a cloudless blue sky the sun beat down upon the deserted streets.  The shops were all closed with strong shutters down and the cafe chairs were chained to the tables.

A plastic shopping bag skittered across the alley in a sudden gust of wind and the tourists huddled in the shade jumped sharply at the unexpected noise.

Faro on Sunday.  The Lonely Planet claims this city is under-rated.  I don't think so.

OK, I confess, we did have some nice meals (and quite a few Portugese Custard Tarts), it was just there was NOTHING to do on Saturday afternoon or Sunday once you'd spent half an hour walking around the old town.  Scratch this one off your itinerary.

1 comment:

gailandrob said...

It looks as if we need to add this to our places to visit...or not!