Tuesday, 21 May 2024

Where are we now? Zhenzhou to destinations uncertain.

The day began with a museum visit. The Henan museum focuses on archeology and has a large collection of ding and dui (cookinng vessels), porcelain, scrolls, and very early musical instruments including an ancient carved bone flute. The stop wasn't long enough for such a fascinating view of history but we whisked through three of the four floors.


With time to kill we were left at a mall for shopping and lunch. Well mall prices are dearer than Australia but we had some tasty Vietnamese food for lunch!

We thought we were going to Suzhou next - but we ended up in Hangzou.

Checking in for our short flight to Shanghai we were told we couldn't be seated together, oh well, it was only 90 minutes and I could use the time to catch up on my diary. So I offered to swap seats with Matt, he could have my window in one row and I'd have his middle in another. Lucky me, the person in the aisle either didn't exist or didn't show up so I got two seats! Then another couple of hours in a bus and a late diner. No one will be surprised that things on sticks made another appearance.


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