Tuesday 8 July 2014

a funny thing happened in the way to the forum

Well after the forum actually.  After a fascinating tour of the Colluseum (more scaffolding)and the Forum, Matt had a bar he wanted to visit in Travestere.  A tram and long trip by bus number 11 (Roman slang for Shanks pony) later we found it...and it wasclosed.  We also got lost out there and gave up on visiting Santa Maria in Traveste (3pm by this time and no lunch yet). Saved by some lovely students, one of whom reminded me very much of Alice, we made it back over the river and enjoyed beer and prosecco gellati. I'm sure guessing who chose which flavour is not hard!


gailandrob said...

Did you enjoy the forum - we thought it was great.

Miss Di said...

Loved the forum but realised last night we missed the vestal virgins. Shall have to come back next (Australian) winter.

suki said...

Something similar happened to us in while we were visiting Reims and looking at Joan of Arc stuff. Traffic was hideous. We never made it through the walled gates....