Thursday 24 July 2014

Climb every mountain?

No we didn't.  Matt's gammy leg provided a perfect excuse to go by cable car instead. Yes we finally reached Pertisau known as Briesau in the Chalet School books. Achensee is known as a health resort. No doubt that's why wine was served with breakfast.  Speaking of breakfast....fried eggs and normal toast were very much appreciated after a couple of weeks of Italian sweet breakfasts!

Of course I had a number of Chalet school related things to do while is Tiernsee including finding the EBD plaque, locating the original chalet, walking to Dripping Rock and a ride on the little steam train. All boxes were ticked.

The walk to the Dripping Rock was initially very easy indeed and we couldn't figure out how it got its moderately difficult rating. The we got to the bit where you scrambled over the scree and held on tight to the cliff!

We caught the ferry to Seespitz and the the steam train to Jenbach before heading to our next adventure. Wearing our winter clothes as the afternoon storm the previous day had brought bad weather with it.


gailandrob said...

Glad you are enjoying such healthy breakfasts - reminds us of the time in Bratislava we were served rumballs, beer and coke with breakfast.

Miss Di said...

Are you sure that wasn't an "emptying the frig" at Conjola breakfast?
Next trip I will bring some sort of savoury spread as I am not really keen on jam or honey - or nutella!