Saturday 26 July 2014

A surprise side trip

From Jenbach we bough tickets to Matt's mecca, Friedrichshafen. By chance we discovered we could break our journey at each train change so jumped off at Feldkirch where there is a lovely C12 castle. The exhibits were a bit of a mish mash of religious art, clothing and household furnishings.  The town was also interesting with quite different architecture to Southern Austria but still lots of frescos.

The following day we stopped and left our luggage at the station while we explored the island of Lindau. We then continued to Uberlingen for a day off/washing day. I managed a swim in Bodensee too.

Today we travelled to Friedrichshaffen and spent the afternoon at the Zeppelin Museum. They had to forcibly remove us at closing time!

1 comment:

gailandrob said...

Perhaps the next trip could be to Wings Over Wanaka?