Monday 14 July 2014

Flat out in Firenze

Just realised it's been a few days since I updated on our activites.  We caught the fast train to Florence after our Vatican visit and spent our first afternion just walking around. Every time we turned a corner was another beautiful medieval building or shrine.

Saturday morning we visited the Uffizi. No queue, just straight in (unfortunately this made us complacent about the Acadamia...). Spent about four hours there just in awe.  A couple of interesting things we've noticed...the primatives really couldn't draw/paint babies (all those baby Jesus's looking like little old men) and in older crucifiction scenes Jesus's feet are on a kind of platform; not nailed straight to the cross.

Of course we found a craft beer place for Matt eventually.

Today we waited in line for a loooong time for tickets to see the Real David (vis earlier comment about complacency) and both enjoyed the early instruments and illuminated manuscrips exhibits.  We also took in a modern collection of Leonardo's machines made from his drawings.  Finally a walk over Ponte Vecchio and viewed Piazza Pitti.  Now enjoyinga local beer (Matt) a prosecco and some delicious snacks in Piazza S. Spirito.

As you know we were planning on Cinque Terre next but a combination of walks being close (thanks to Dad for the heads up) and Matt having a gammy leg (on the mend; so convenient not needing a script fot antibiotics) means we have decided on a few days in Viareggio and a little rest instead. Our next major stop will be Venice.


gailandrob said...

Mona Di looks like a masterpiece - a new Leonardo perhaps?

Miss Di said...

I think I nailed the smirk. If not my spelling...just noticed all the errors; the joys of phone keyboards.