Friday 4 July 2014

Hungry in Hong Kong.

We have made the first leg of our trip safely with no disasters. Lots of leg room in those exit rows!  After all that unappetising plane food I was determined to get some delicious dumplings and just so happened to be in the know on the place to go. Tim Ho Wan has the honour of three Michelin stars (and all Europe trips involve at least one Michelin restaurant don't they?). We stuffed ourselves silly on amazing food including the best bbq pork buns ever.  We also thought the chee chow fan was amazing. Nearly as amazing as the price.  Five dishes came to a grand total of $hk115 - or about $A16 including drinks

We are now enjoying watching the rain from the rooftop bar of our hotel and listening to 80s pop music. Another busy day tomorrow.


gailandrob said...

Pleased to read that you arrived in one piece!
We spent the day demolishing our indoor gardens.
Ate no star leftovers from freezer

Miss Di said...

You usually have pretty good leftovers. I don't understand why Casa Henley hasn't any stars to go with the international reputation! :-)