Saturday 12 July 2014

Vatican two

We took a tour of the Vatican this morning and after seeing the queue we skipped we were very pleased we did so.  Just seeing all those amazing artworks in real life made me speechless.  And the size of St Peter's Basilica was mind blowing.  Our guide was very informative and we both snickered at the cardinal in the Sistine Chapel being attacked by a giant snake. After my recent studies I really enjoyed the many metafictive references in the artworks.

A quick but delicious zucchini flower and anchovy pizza for lunch and then we caught a train to Firenze.  Distance about Newcastle to Conjola. Time - 1 1/2 hours.  Australia could learn a lot about civilised infrastructure!


gailandrob said...

What could the church achieve if just a portion of the art works were sold to support those in real need!

Miss Di said...

We've seen a lot less people begging in Rome than you do in Sydney. But yes, sell a few treasures and provide real aid.