Tuesday 29 July 2014

Zeppelin is kapput.

Well we've had a interesting time in Friedrichshaffen but unfortunately it isn't mission accomplished.  Our Zeppelin flight was cancelled twice and we can't hang around any longer in the hope of better weather (that and our train tickets to Paris were cheap conditional on being on a certain train).

While we've been here we have visited three aviation museums  (Zeppelin, Dornier and a private Zeppelin one) had a ferry ride (very civilised, the bar has table service)  on Bodensee to Meersberg and visited the castle, the oldest inhabited castle in Germany. And we failed to do much Sunday/Monday because everything was closed.  Even the museum I wanted to visit today (the school museum which was advertised as open) was closed! I did suggested mayne Matt could claim the cost of the trip on tax as work related study purposes...

Off on the last leg tomorrow.

Scene of disappointment at Zeppelin. Dornier Museum. Schloss Meersberg and secco on the ferrio.


gailandrob said...

Never mind, a glass of sparkly cures all disappointments.

Miss Di said...

I thought so. Matt just said "I'll be back" in an Austrian accent ;-)

suki said...

Is that the Chalet school girls' armour museum?

Miss Di said...

Schloss Meerberg ;-)